Referral promotion can be one of the most effective lead generation source for your business. Two reasons why they are effective: 

1. Word of mouth spreads and 

2. People tend to trust the opinion of their peers

When your products and services are good, they will naturally become a topic of conversation among your customers when they are are sharing about a solution that you are offering for a common problem.

You have to constantly remind them to talk about you and reward them for that. The reward preferably benefit both of them and we will talk about this in the near future.

There are 3 ways for you to make sure your referral program is well known among your customers.

1. Shout and promote your referral program in your social media channels

2. Sending emails to your customers? Add the referral program in the signature

3. Promote it on your website a page dedicated to it and explain in detail

Referral program can be really effective in growing your business especially when it can shared in social media.

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