Jaey Media is The Marketing Technician for your company.

Here are the 3 important people that you will need for your small business according to the book #emyth by Michael E. Gerber. If you are a business owner, make sure you read this book. It's highly recommended. According to Michael E. Gerber there are 3 types of personalities in a small business and most of the time the 3 roles will be played by the owner during the startup phase of a company.

The Technician

A technical person interested in doing things, fixing a problem and getting the job done.

The Manager

Achieving results through people and system by focusing on present and at the same time strategizing for the future.

The Entrepreneur

The visionary founder's sole purpose is to bring the dream closer to reality with the support of manager and the skill of technician.

As a business owner it is imperative for you to get the right manager and technician to run your business while you focus on scaling your business with duplication of the system. You can outsource or hire the right people for the important roles instead of doing it all by yourself.

We, Jaey Media can be your technician to handle your social media marketing with paid ads and content creation. Let us join force and boost your sales!