SMS Marketing your number 1 sales channel

SMS Marketing is an important channel for your Shopify brand. The rise in customer acquisition costs can be beaten easily by building customer loyalty and repeat sales.

However, it's vital for brands to build relationships with customers before making a sale. Customers must learn about your brand and its mission which will encourage them to make a purchase.

SMS Marketing, when you do it right can become your number one sales channel.

The 3 ideas that you must remember in making it the number one sales channel:

1. Using Personalized Segmentations 

SMS Marketing can become a huge success when you send the right message to the right people at the right time.

2. Build and Grow List Consistently

It's very important to have a consistent list generation strategy because SMS lists can go stale real fast. Faster than email because it's a highly engaging channel and it's important to share relevant content consistently. Use both paid and organic strategies to build your list and stay compliant.

3. Be Human in Approach

SMS can be a powerful platform for your business to have 1 on 1 conversations with your customers. The important strategy that you must embrace in having positive conversations with customers is by being human. Do not rely on chatbots or automation to respond to your customers with automation. Have a live support during office hours to respond to your customers and use empathy in engaging with them.

SMS platform is going to be big this year especially for e-commerce brands and coaches. Using this platform as a stage to build a community and boost sales is the right thing to be done to scale your business.

Schedule a free meeting with our team and learn the strategies that you can apply to your business to grow using SMS Marketing.